In one particular way, my time at KGIC (King George International College) was a very sad and depressing one. Here I was, surrounded by a lot of bright, fun, friendly, and often very beautiful women -- and I couldn't date any of them. Sure, I was "just" a teaching assistant, but it still meant that I theoretically had influence with the school, so all of them were off-limits. Trying to nurture friendships after they were done with school was a tricky business as well. I think a lot of them come to realize that their time in Canada is done, and their time with their fellow students, especially those from different countries, is over. Sort of like how friendships with people you meet on vacations, in school, or at work can sometimes vanish when you finally go your separate ways. One student I knew had pursued another quite ardently, and I think there was some reciprocity (how much, I'm not sure). She finished her studies sooner than he, and left. Just a couple o...