Every once in a while, my mom reminisces about her childhood days growing on the farm and how they used to have pigs. And invariably she ends up talking about how cruel it is to eat those poor pigs. Closet vegan? She still buys ham and bacon and she talks about how pricey all that phoney meat stuff is. And going vegan can actually be pricey. Like "Nacho Cheese", the "vegan gourmet cheese alternative" from Follow Your Heart . It retails at Karmavore in New Westminster for $5.89 for a 284g pack ($2.07 per 100g). Compare with, say, a Black Diamond Cheese Bar ($7.97 per 700 grams at Superstore , or $10.47 regular price; sometimes as low as $4.97 at No Frills ). Still, I wanted to let my mom try it. In case she really did want to act on her don't-eat-the-poor-pigs mindset. This soy "cheese" from Follow Your Heart is wet like tofu but firmer. It's orange, so you might expect a strong cheddar flavour, but the taste reminds me more of nachos than c...
A blog with bachelor noob cooking experiments and unpretentious reviews of restaurants and food. Read all about my mistakes so you can have a better experience! Restaurant reviews are done anonymously and undercover if I can help it. Occasionally posts about my life and experiences in the Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada