It's a house built in 1918 and has that old-fashioned look to it, as well as a certain dilapidated look that is contrary to the well-maintained interior, and totally unexpected compared to the bright and modern Bistro 72 sub-level. One of the things that drew me to try the Old Surrey Restaurant was the various tableside service items. It's professional and old-school, and fun to watch. The calm confidence with which our waiter prepared everything, and the engagement he had with our table, was also an interesting contrast in tone/feel with the rather businesslike and somewhat rushed-feeling service at Black + Blue . While he did not make himself a part of our conversation, he was also clearly ready to engage with us however much or little we engaged with him. This, I think, is part of the larger unrushed dinner feeling I got at the Old Surrey Restaurant. It was a Saturday night, and the restaurant didn't seem like it was ever even half full. The clientele was generally...
A blog with bachelor noob cooking experiments and unpretentious reviews of restaurants and food. Read all about my mistakes so you can have a better experience! Restaurant reviews are done anonymously and undercover if I can help it. Occasionally posts about my life and experiences in the Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada