Are you feeling the love yet?
Also, their web presence is useless. Menu pictures on Mimibuloveme's Facebook site are outdated and it looks like no one has been there since August-2014. Their actual web page is also uselessly "under construction".
Customer service is A+. Server is attentive. I had no sooner sat in my seat when a glass of water slid onto the table right in front of me. Totally un-rushed service (although at the same time, it was 6pm and the place was dead dead dead).
The concept is like Chicco Coffee and Dessert Bar on Robson, except the parfaits are a bit cheaper and they are designed and presented much better.
- You get a long metal spoon. Great for digging deep into your tall glass.
- Ingredients are also somewhat better. All parfaits come with honey cake and puffed wheat for a mix of soft scoops and crunchy fun.
- The best improvement over Chicco is the scoop of ice cream at the bottom: You can start slowly from the top and not ration so much ice cream because once the ice cream on the top is gone, you still have ice cream on the bottom to help you finish up the rest of what's in your cup.
- They take credit cards.
I tried the Hedgehog ($7.50) and it was rather good, with a decent amount of ice cream, allowing you to get some ice cream with every scoop of what is in the rest of the parfait, including dark chocolate cake, honey cake, and crunchy bits (honey puffed wheat?).
If you prefer you can get your parfait on a waffle instead.
If you prefer you can get your parfait on a waffle instead.
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